Body Condition Scores in Dogs – A Guide

body condition scores

Body condition scores are used by Vets to rate whether a dog is thin, underweight, ideal weight, overweight or obese.

A really good way of keeping an eye on this is to take a photo of your dog, whilst looking down over their body, every 6 months or so in addition to weighing them once a year. It’s easy not to notice subtle changes when you see your dog every day so this can help.

Body Condition Scores Explained

The table below gives a description of the dog with the associated body condition score.

Body Condition Score (BCS)Description
  • Ribs, spine and pelvic bones visible at a distance and felt without pressure
  • No palpable fat over tail base, spine or ribs
  • Diminished muscle mass
  • Extreme abdominal tuck when viewed from the side
  • Severe hourglass shape when viewed from above.
  • Ribs palpable with little pressure; may be visible
  • Minimal palpable fat over ribs, spine and tail base
  • Increased concave abdominal tuck when viewed from the side
  • Marked hourglass shape to waist when viewed from above.
  • Ribs and spine palpable with slight pressure but not visible; no excess fat covering
  • Ribs can be seen with motion of the dog
  • Good muscle tone apparent
  • Concave abdominal tuck when viewed from the side
  • Hourglass shape to waist when viewed from above.
  • Ribs palpable with increased pressure; not visible and have excess fat covering
  • Ribs not seen with motion of the dog
  • General hefty appearance
  • Abdominal concave tuck is reduced or absent when viewed from the side
  • Loss of hourglass shape to waist with back slightly broadened when viewed from above.
  • Ribs and spine not palpable under a heavy fat covering
  • Fat deposits visible over lumbar area, tail base, and spine
  • Loss of hourglass shape to waist
  • Complete loss of abdominal tuck with rounded abdomen
  • Back is markedly broadened.

Further Help & Support

If you have questions or concerns about your dogs score, health or anything else why not join our Facebook Group where I (Carole Sandhu, Registered Dietitian, Dog Nutritionist and owner of Dogs Delight) help pet parents make an informed choice on what to feed their dog so that they have a long and happy life, without having to spend hours googling for answers.

Dogs Delight handmade treats are formulated to offer optimal nutrition, using local ingredients with no added nasties in a varied and super tasty range of flavours. They are suitable for all dogs including those with special dietary needs.