Cleaning your Dog’s Teeth… learn from my mistakes

When I got my first dog, I literally did everything wrong!  To say it was a steep learning curve is an understatement. 

What I very quickly learned was that mistakes can be expensive…the wrong type of toys which were literally shredded in seconds, awful processed treats which ended up in the bin and dog beds which were not big enough for the average cat to stretch out in let alone a medium breed puppy. 

And not just expensive, but painful too like the tooth cleaning paraphernalia I bought which nearly resulted in me losing a finger or two.  

So I made it my mission to find a dental stick that could be used alongside a toothbrush ….but what I found were shocking.  Why on earth would you make a dental stick which contains peanut butter, or one with so  many additives the ingredients had to be printed in such small type they were barely readable?  Or something soft and chewy that would stick to the teeth like a raisin?

So I decided to make a dental stick, with the help of a dentist, which would clean right up to the gum margin, stripping away plaque so that there was no chance of any tartar building up.  Its true to say, our dental sticks are loved by dogs – they have no added nasties, just healthy ingredients and have meant I have all my fingers intact!

What’s not to love!

Carole x