Charcoal for your dog

Dogs are natural scavengers, curious to eat everything in sight!

Of course, this means that they are putting things in their mouths that they really shouldn’t!

Usually their adventures with the contents of the bin, or other dogs poops whilst out on their walk
are harmless and may just leave them with a mild tummy upset.

If you suspect your dogs has eaten something like this, activated charcoal can be helpful. It binds to
the toxins released during digestion and that’s why I always keep a bag of charcoal bites in my
cupboard as they are packed full of Activated charcoal powder!

BUT, if your dog has eaten something which is poisonous you should contact your Vet immediately.

My dog managed to eat a couple of raisins so the Vet acted quickly and gave some medicine to make
her sick. The Vet then gave us Activate Charcoal in a liquid form to be given via a syringe – which
was great on her white fur, I can tell you.

But, it works. Activated charcoal has been shown to reduce toxins by 80% in just 180 minutes. It is combined with sorbitol to help move the toxins, once bound, out of the system via faeces.

After the required dose, for my dog, I carried on with our charcoal bites for a few days afterwards
just to be sure.

Other things which are poisonous to dogs are:

  • Grapes
  • Chocolate
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Xylitol sweetener used in some peanut butters and sugar free chewing gums and sweets
  • Caffeine