Can my dog have a sweet treat?

As many of us like a sweet treat, our Canine Nutritionist, Carole, is often asked if whether dogs also are safe to have a sweet treats too.

Dogs do have sweet taste receptors and so they do have the ability to taste sweet. While sugars like honey, brown sugar and white sugar are generally safe for dogs any sweets that contain chocolate or xylitol should never be given to dogs.

So what is the best kind of treat for dogs and how much, in general should they have. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. In the case of sweet items that you may want to share with your dog now and then, a healthy dog should be fine to have a sweet treat occasionally but dogs with diabetes may need special consideration.
  2. If you do want to give your dog a treat, think of it a complement to their diet.  Many dogs have a similar food every day for their meals and so a treat can be a way of adding variety and additional nutrients to the diet.

3. Oily fish twice per week is a fantastic treat as it provides omega-3 fats for healthy joins, skin and coat. Tins of sardines and pilchards can be purchased very cheaply but they are so beneficial.

4. A serving of berry fruits mixed with yogurt and spread on a lick mat provides and excellent source of antioxidants as well as giving the dog the opportunity to lick which is very calming and can be helpful in stressful situations such as separation anxiety.

5. Treats containing fruit can taste sweet without the sugar so they are better for the teeth. We have a few fruit based treats in our range such as Apple & Sweet Potato Twists, Blueberry & Coconut Crunch and Raspberry & Coconut Crunch which are not only tasty they are very low fat and a source of antioxidants.

6. Avoid treats that contain more than 10%. Some dog treats are around 20% fat and more and are the equivalent fat content to a piece of shortbread!

7. As longs as 90% of the energy (calories) the dog has come from their meals ( a complete and balanced diet for their life-stage), then up to 10% of their calories can come from their treats. This treat allowance means that their treats can provide enjoyment without about them gaining weight.

8. Most Dogs Delight treats are around 5% fat or less and are packed full of healthy ingredients to add additional nutrients to their diet. Around 8 treats per day would be about right for most dogs.