Canine Nutrition Consultations – Casestudy

Home Cooked Diets for Dogs

It is not surprising that dog owners are confused about the best food for their dog as there is so much misinformation around with regards to canine nutrition.

One of our main goals with offering Canine nutrition consultations is to provide accurate, evidence-based information to help owners decide on the best food for their dogs.

Hilary, owner of the stunning Scottish Terrier, Stramash has provided a home cooked diet for him and simply wanted to check that his diet was giving him with all the nutrients he needed, in the correct proportions, to enjoy his life to the full.

We think you’ll agree that he is a picture of good health with his glossy coat and beautiful bright eyes.

Carole was able to carry out a full nutritional analysis of the diet Hilary provides for Stramash and found it to be excellent and so she was able to focus on what could be added in to promote optimal, long-term health.

This included things like antioxidant nutrients and what he may benefit from in his more senior years to allow him to continue to live his best life.

A carefully designed set of guidelines from Carole, our Canine Nutritionist, can really help to ensure your dog’s diet is meeting their nutritional requirements.

This can be of particular benefit if your dog has been diagnosed with a medical condition and needs a special diet.

Have fun Hilary and Stramash xxx