Dogs Delighted to Launch Our New Website

Thank you so much to the fantastic team at the New Black Agency for our fantastic new website.

We wanted the site to be a go-to source of information on Canine Nutrition for our dog parents as well as a shop, packed full of tasty morsels for their canine companions and they have listened and delivered exactly that.

We have a fantastic range of dog food and did you know, we now have 20 different varieties of healthy treats, all less than 10% fat (and most are less than 5%). For those of you who really like to see the WHY behind what we do, check the new site for in-depth information and advice on how to keep your dog in the best of health as a puppy, adult and senior.

In addition, our ‘News & Advice’ section considers many aspects of Canine Nutrition as well as advice for dogs who have medical conditions. Canine Nutrition is at the heart of everything we do and we are here to help. You can email us for general advice on canine nutrition.

In addition, if you are at a new phase with your dog, whether that be a new puppy or rescue dog coming into your family, moving from puppy to adult, a new medical condition to consider why not book a consultation with Canine Nutritionist, Carole.

We are so much more than a shop, we are the complete Canine Nutrition Experience.