Our Ingredients Matter to Us

All the best people agree, life is SO much better with a dog! But do you know what the most essential part of helping our dogs live the longest, healthiest life possible is? It’s nutrition.  When it comes to our treats the provenance of our ingredients matter as much as the way we prepare them.  Our bakery is in the heart of rural Rutland and all our ingredients are sourced locally, keeping our carbon footprint very low.

Our flours are from two fantastic local Mills.  The Whissendine Windmill is a few miles down the road from our bakery and is run by Nigel Moon, who personally grinds a variety of organic stone ground flours.  Claybrooke Watermill, run by Sally Craven,  is on a site which is believed to be 1000 years old.  Here flour is ground on French Burr Millstones driven by water power by Sally herself.  Sally’s gorgeous  dogs love our treats too!